See all of your vehicles’ current locations

See the current location and status of all your vehicles or assets on one map. See the status for a selected vehicle including current address and speed.

View where your vehicles have been

View where your vehicles have been, overlaid on the live Google map. Trip history provides detailed information including each stop the vehicle made and how long it was there.

Analyse your vehicles' usage

Run user-friendly reports on all vehicle usage data. Options include activity summary and time-on-site reports. Reports can be generated to view online, downloaded or emailed.


Receive alerts

Choose to receive an alert if a particular event occurs within a vehicle. Options include site entry/exit, alarm activation, overspeed and vehicle maintence.

Track multiple assets

Track mulitiple assets including vehicles, trucks, equipment, marine vessels and more. View all your assets together on the one map.

Vehicle maintenance and RUC schedules

AVS GPS Tracking can keep track of vehicle maintenance schedules and remind you when servicing is required. Schedules can also include, registration, WOF and Road User Charges.

Area Search

Use Area Search to investigate vehicle activity in an area of interest. Area Search will show you which of your vehicles entered and left a designated area during a particular date and time range.

Points of interest

Use Points of Interest to monitor vehicle activity at your regular sites. Report on what vehicles entered and left each site during a particular date range.

Mobile App

Use the Fleet Tracking app on smartphone or tablet, available free for both Apple iOS and Android devices. Everything is at your fingertips once you log in. Navigate from the one main screen.


Use geo-fencing to monitor the non-authorised movement of a vehicle in or out of an area. If your vehicles move in or out of the boundary line you can receive an alert.

User access levels

Have separate user logins with different access levels for your staff. This feature is available for fleet customers only.

Simple & straightforward pricing


One-off cost for hardware, including GST ($494.78+GST)

and installation

  • No term contract available $569 ($494.78+gst)
  • You own the hardware
  • One-year GPS hardware warranty
  • Available for fleet, personal use vehicles and machinery
  • Includes nationwide professional installation



Per month for GPS Tracking, including GST

  • Flexible contract terms
  • Full real-time tracking
  • Unlimited report downloads
  • Fleet Track app
  • Phone and email support

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